E&A’s Water Slide Systems Inspections
Help Protect Your Facility

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E&A’s Water Slide Systems Inspections Help Protect Your Facility

As the International leader in aquatic safety and risk management, Ellis & Associates provides Water Slide Systems Inspections to clients around the world. Our water slide inspection services include a detailed look at the entire water slide systems inspections package and provides an additional layer of risk management for facilities that operate water slide systems inspections.

Water Slide Systems Inspections

What do Water Slide Systems Inspections Include?

Our Water Slide Systems Inspection service is a formal evaluation of the physical condition, operating systems and/or operating procedures/protocols for a particular attraction and may include test riding of the attraction.

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Water Slide Systems Inspections

What To Expect with Water Slide Systems Inspections

Generally speaking, amusement ride inspections provide clients with recommended list of items that have been identified for further evaluation for mitigation of a potential risk exposure. The inspections seeks to evaluate the water slide systems operation and performance established by the original equipment manufacture and document any remarkable items/events.

E&A Staff members conducting Water Slide System inspections hold NAARSO Level 2 certifications and have years of water slide inspection experience. The inspection will seek to evaluate the physical condition of the attraction and the ancillary systems and devices related to the attraction operation. The inspection will provide video and/or pictures in support of the inspection items. In addition, the inspection will review all administrative documentation relative to operations, in-house inspections, and training of said attraction. At the conclusion, the inspector will debrief with the owner/operator and conduct a review of the water slide inspection findings. Subsequently, the Inspection report will be provided complete with any recommendations for correction and improvement.

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Amusement Ride Inspections

Due Diligence Attraction Testing

Due Diligence Attraction Testing is an optional service provided as part of the water slide system inspection. Due Diligence Attraction Testing uses base level performance testing of a ride(s) to evaluate the absence of “remarkable events” utilizing a control group of riders. If Due Diligence Attraction Testing is to be included in the water slide system inspection, the inspector will get together with the team and conduct such testing. The control group should consist of individuals with varied heights and weights. (Control group participants would ideally be employees of the facility, and also conform to any height, weight, and age restrictions for the attraction to be tested.)

Due Diligence Attraction testing will provide a base level performance indicator. The inspection documentation will encourage operators to maintain rider throughput/ridership numbers annually to support the initial Due Diligence Attraction Testing. The combination of initial Due Diligence Testing and an accurate accounting of ongoing ridership will assist in documenting the safe operation and performance of your attraction.

Amusement Ride Inspections

Sample Water Slide System Inspection Checklist:

  • Manufacturers operation/maintenance manual available
  • Depth/No Diving markers are posted
  • Water flow at start tubs
  • Access is controlled with fences and gates
  • Water flow at splash pool/run-out
  • Attraction(s) attendants are lifeguard trained
  • Direction of water flow into pool/run-out
  • Attendants have clear view of slide exit
  • Slide dispatches at or below static water level
  • Dispatch control/system
  • Water clarity
  • Emergency stops available/accessible
  • Walkways free of trip exposures
  • Drain/inlet covers properly secured
  • Barrier between walkway and attraction
  • Ride instructions protocols/process in place/active
  • Attraction signage is present and visible
water slide system inspection

Water Slide System Inspection Deliverables

Following the completion of the water slide system inspection, the operator will receive a written report detailing the findings of the inspection. Photo and video records will be provided in the written report to support the findings of the inspection. As part of the report, he inspector will provide recommendations designed to eliminate or reduce any potential risk exposures noted during the inspection.

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